Monday, November 24, 2008

Did you know?

...that if you fill your garbage disposal with egg whites and turn it on, it'll make meringue?

Yeah. I didn't either. One of my buddies always makes homemade noodles for Thanksgiving and, apparently, he needs about 5 dozen yolks but no egg whites. So in the sink they went.

Incidentally, he noted that water doesn't get rid of meringue. But Drano does.

Today was a good day. Spent about an hour on my Wii Fit. It reminded me that it had been 72 days since it had last seen me. Sigh. I promise, my Wii Friend, I will see you more often!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

When I first read this, I'm like "Good lord, why is she making pie meringue in the garage disposal?" LOL
