Thursday, November 13, 2008

My deep, dark secret...

Well, I guess it's not a secret any more if I'm telling you, right? Here it is...

I love cheesy movies. The cheesier the better. Red Sonja? Own it. Beastmaster? Got that one, too. Alan Quartermain in King Solomon's Mines? Yep.

It's not like I've hidden it or anything, I say defensively.

Looking at the drawers of DVD's that I have should clue a person in.

It can't be just me. I know it can't. Right?


Anonymous said...

I have Red Dawn...

Anonymous said...

Okay, so I don't know if you remember, but I have a cache of Full Moon Video *laserdiscs*...

A relatively new acquisition would be the wonder-movie "Conquest." I gave it a review a while back on my Yahoo369 blog. But let's just say that watching it turned into a drinking game: "Any time you see... 1) heroic pose, 2) nekkid breasts, 3) unintentional homoerotic dialogue and/or posturing, 4) anachronistic fighting methods (e.g. stone nunchaku, yes--they had them), 5) nekkid woman with snakes and helmet, 6) zombies... and many more--drink!"

Think of the movie "Deathstalker," or "Metalstorm: The Destruction of Jared-Syn," but really bad...

And... one cannot the queen of cheezy: "The Perils of Gwendoline." See review at:

So--when we gonna have a cheezy movie night?


Unknown said...

Bill, remember the "Dirty Pair" series! I think that old school Anime qualifies!!