Saturday, December 13, 2008


Foiled again!
Isn't that what all the cartoon criminals say when they're nabbed by the good guys? Other than, "I would have gotten away with it if it weren't for those nosy kids..."

Long ago, Heroes was recommended to me for my television-viewing pleasure. I wanted to see it, but didn't want to get in during the middle of it and wonder what plot devices I had missed. So, I never got around to it. I signed up for Netflix and have been getting the first season of Heroes in the mail pretty regularly. I have to say, I'm hooked. I love the show. So does Eric and even the kids! Wooo. So it was family popcorn night to watch the show. Good stuff.

Eric and I got up and went hiking today in Prince William park. We went about 5 miles or so but it felt like 20. Could be the hills. I dunno. I know that my body was screaming at me that I'm out of shape. Yeah, I know, round is a shape. Unfortunately, the Air Force isn't keen on round being a shape. They're more interested in svelte. So, I'm working on mah fitness. (that's a Fergie reference if you didn't catch it. *grin*)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Heroes is my new favorite thang on TV! Especially with our the comercials!!!