Thursday, October 16, 2008

New Blog...

So, this is my new blog. My old site went down around Easter-time and I've been missing it fiercely. Hopefully, I'll be able to do all my cartoons and pics here, too!

I started a new job a few weeks ago. While I feel a bit nasty complaining about my job (since so many people are unemployed right now), I'm just going to put a short gripe out here.

If you give a person a job offer and it says one location but you REALLY meant to put him/her in another location, don't look surprised when the person gets pissy about the "new" location. ESPECIALLY when it's about an hour further than the one in the offer letter.



NOVA said...

I've missed your cartoons!!!

What's up girl?????

Wilsyn said...

Your complaint is warranted. I also think that hiring folks and expecting them to perform functions they weren't hired for is a pretty nasty management move.

Ken said...

Hi there, and welcome back to the world of blogging. Looking forward to keeping up again.


Anonymous said...

Welcome back Shawn. And yeah, I hate the old 'bait and switch' Been there done that....ended up quitting a job because of the travel.